Monday, November 26, 2012

{Healing myHeArt } Java Spices Rosie

Ursa Teoh
Healing myHeArt - sending pink love to Jogja
"Java Spices Rosie"
acrylic, Akasha Chakra Essence on canvas
送愛給日惹,遵循第八脈輪以及Akasha脈輪花精的指引,花漾之語 “粉紅之愛”誕生了!
Ursa Teoh {Healing myHeArt 2012 }
When Ursa met the touch of love of 8th chakra and Akasha Chakra Essence, with the message of sending love to Jogja, Pink Love is created.

Akasha Chakra Essence including: Deva Rose, Clematis, Honeysuckle, Hawthorn
8th Chakra: "sending your pink love to heal your soul family"

Ursa Teoh
Java Spices Rosie (detail of mandala)
acrylic, Akasha Chakra Essence on canvas

Ursa Teoh
Java Spices Rosie (detail)
acrylic, Akasha Chakra Essence on canvas